The following FAQs pertain to the Foundation’s normal funding cycles, however at the current time the Foundation is not accepting applications. Please see Grant Opportunities for additional information.
Can I apply for a grant as an individual?
No, grants are made only to organizations that are tax-exempt from federal income taxation pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) and that are not classified as private foundations within the code.
Does the Foundation limit its funding to a specific geographic area?
The Foundation considers support for organizations that are based in and serve residents within the Greater Kansas City area. The Greater Kansas City area is defined as Jackson, Clay, and Platte counties in Missouri, and Wyandotte and Johnson counties in Kansas.
What type of organizations and programs does the Foundation support?
The Foundation supports programs and capital projects that strive for excellence, improve service for clients, strengthen organizations, and assists underserved, low-income individuals.
The Foundation considers requests from organizations in the following areas:
- Post-secondary business and entrepreneurship education
- Visual and performing arts
- Education for poor, disadvantaged, and underserved youth
- Healthcare
- Social services
- Jewish community organizations
In addition, due to the founders’ lifetime commitment to the following organizations, special consideration is given to The Henry W. Bloch School of Management at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art and St. Luke’s Hospital of Kansas City (Plaza location).
What type of organizations and activities does the Foundation not support?
Except in the rarest of circumstances, the Foundation does not make grants to:
- Organizations that are not in compliance with laws and regulations that govern them
- Political activities
- Past operating deficits or debt reduction
- Single-disease causes
- Historic preservation
- Telethons, dinners, advertising, sponsorships, or other special events
- Animal-related causes
- Sports-related causes
- Non-Jewish religious organizations whose primary purpose is the promotion of specific religious doctrine (religious organizations may be eligible to receive funding for activities that are non-sectarian and benefit the larger community.)
Who chooses the organizations that receive grants each year?
The Foundation’s Board of Directors meets quarterly to consider funding requests. At each meeting, the directors authorize specific contributions that are within the program guidelines.
What is the duration of the grant?
The Foundation generally makes one-year grants. However, when appropriate the Foundation will consider multi-year requests.
Are there limits on grant amounts?
The Foundation does not have a minimum or maximum grant amount. Grants amounts are determined based upon the total cost of the program or project.